Sunday, December 13, 2020

2020 Quarantine Holiday Season

 I have always loved the festive decorations and traditional carols and discovering other peoples holiday traditions.

As a kid I used to go caroling in our neighborhood .. and I could not carry a tune in a bucket .. lol .. yet I was asked to go caroling every holiday season.

I have my little tree on a stand and plug it in at nite and I have been listening to traditional xmas music too.

When I saw this article on FB .. I had to go read it :) Hope you enjoy it too!!!

Happy Holidays from me to you & yours!!!

Kolyada: The Old Slavic Winter Solstice | Kolyada: The Old Slavic Winter Solstice (

Social Media does NOT currently feel social to me most days

The crazies are in charge :( over at FB as far as I can tell this morning. The common sense I see out here on the web is at  Stonekettle Sta...