Over the years, I have been accused of being a nice person many times .. many have detested me for being nice. I did not really understand so I just never really paid a lot of attention to it since I am normally a happy person UNTIL I became an elderly single woman that felt life-draining depressingly unloved & unwanted & worthless with zero reason to live AFTER someone online .. seemingly deliberately .. took advantage of my kindness, generosity & loving heart. I HEALED .. and the experience did have some beneficial health effects in my recovery from Dementia process - it was far cheaper than any Occupational Therapy would have been .. BUT .. I still need to work more on my boundaries!!! |
I do not know if it is possible for me to unlearn living in auto-TRUST mode.
I do not even know yet if I WANT to live in an auto-UNtrust mode.
Here are a few of the articles I read this morning
- Why Would People Dislike a Nice Person?
- 10 Things Nice People Do Differently That Make Them Achieve More
- The Dangers of Being Nice
- Sensory Overload Meltdown
- The Art of Autism: One of my favorite quotes is:“If you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism.” – Dr. Stephen Shore
I just replaced the computer monitor on my desktop .. the old one just quit working one day. I did not think to buy a touchscreen monitor even though I have been wanting one for years - I love the one on my slow ancient Win [7 upgraded now to] 10 laptop. I have a drawing tablet my family bought me for Christmas - simple & uncomplicated to use. |
My entire family have amazingly awesome physical art/drawing abilities that I do not :( But I am the one that WANTS & NEEDS to create art as a work career as well as a daily life need to communicate. Art communicates. Art touches people where they live. Art connects us to ourselves as well as to each other. My new touchscreen monitor arrives tomorrow :) |