Friday, March 31, 2023

Games, Gaming & Re-establishing my Life Balance

My (adult) Grandson [the one here in NC] sold me his Nintendo Switch awhile ago .. I just recently bought Animal Crossing New Horizons and started playing it :) .. it is as much fun as I remember from all those years ago when he was a little boy and chopped down all the trees in his Mom's town .. lololol .. I think he cut down all mine too but I cannot remember for sure now. One thing that makes me laugh is that there is a toilet .. ya sit on it and when ya get up .. it flushes!!!!! I laughed til I cried the day of discovering that :) I told my daughter .. she thinks it is hilarious too :) AND Saharah sold me a carpet with a pnd in the middle .. it sloshes as I walk thru it!!!

I am taking a vacation from ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) .. the next chapter, "Necrom" launches June 5th so now is a good time to take a break :) and I want to spend more time doing art .. traditional Inktense pencil-to-paper as well as using my Artisul tablet to create some digital art. Little Doggie wants me to spend more time with him too :)

He was sooo happy earlier .. we were outside when his favorite neighbors came home from their errand .. he got petted by both of them .. he adores them both very much but his very favorite is the wife :) I agree with him that she is a wonderful person!!! Her husband is a very good and kind man too!!! We are very lucky to have the very best neighbors!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

 I took a test today :) This is the result .. No I was NOT surprised INFJ-Personality Link 

"Advocates are quiet visionaries, often serving as inspiring and tireless idealists."

Happy 4th of July

I am in my 70's .. I have celebrated MANY 4th of July celebrations over the year .. the Centennial was a HUGE one .. I enjoyed it a lot!...