Sunday, December 13, 2020
2020 Quarantine Holiday Season
I have always loved the festive decorations and traditional carols and discovering other peoples holiday traditions.
As a kid I used to go caroling in our neighborhood .. and I could not carry a tune in a bucket .. lol .. yet I was asked to go caroling every holiday season.
I have my little tree on a stand and plug it in at nite and I have been listening to traditional xmas music too.
When I saw this article on FB .. I had to go read it :) Hope you enjoy it too!!!
Happy Holidays from me to you & yours!!!
Kolyada: The Old Slavic Winter Solstice | Kolyada: The Old Slavic Winter Solstice (
As a kid I used to go caroling in our neighborhood .. and I could not carry a tune in a bucket .. lol .. yet I was asked to go caroling every holiday season.
I have my little tree on a stand and plug it in at nite and I have been listening to traditional xmas music too.
When I saw this article on FB .. I had to go read it :) Hope you enjoy it too!!!
Happy Holidays from me to you & yours!!!
Kolyada: The Old Slavic Winter Solstice | Kolyada: The Old Slavic Winter Solstice (
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
My American Election Nov 2020 Aftermath Feelings
The election was yesterday .. I voted DEMOCRATIC: up and down my ballot .. starting with Joe Biden and ending with our local races.
.. as expected AND as NORMAL .. we do not have a clear winner yet .. votes are still being counted in several states .. there was a RECORD-BREAKING number of votes .. but .. below .. THIS is what I posted on my personal Facebook wall this morning:
".. win lose or draw - I feel so betrayed today
I am not depressed nor suicidal .. I just feel heart-sick .. approximately HALF of Americans voted for the orange traitor & the red-thugs for the US Congress yesterday
... 238,000+ DEAD Americans from Covid today mean NOTHING to any of you .. nor will the next 238K+
... you voted for Covid to continue killing American ppl unchecked
... you voted for systemic racism to continue to kill People of Color unchecked
... you voted to put USA life for us all back into the Middle Ages with your abortion bans & gay marriage bans & hundreds of guns in every home & street & grocery store ideology
... you voted to resurrect Nazi Germany & Hitler on American soil
OUR Ancestors who fought in WW II against Fascism are turning over in their graves. I am ashamed of each and every one of you who voted Republican in this election.
I am NOT surprised .. I wish I were .. the numbers are in and still coming in. You cannot take back what you have done.
May YOUR Golden Calf bring you exactly what you deserve."
I am not sure how I will get involved in my local community in the near future being that I am nearly 70, no longer drive and little doggie cannot be left home alone in the apt .. but I will figure it out and channel my inner Dr King Spirit of NEVER GIVING UP & moving mountains .. EVENTUALLY!!!
Dr King was a wonderful man .. I admired him while alive and I still admire him today!!!
I am not sure how I will get involved in my local community in the near future being that I am nearly 70, no longer drive and little doggie cannot be left home alone in the apt .. but I will figure it out and channel my inner Dr King Spirit of NEVER GIVING UP & moving mountains .. EVENTUALLY!!!
Dr King was a wonderful man .. I admired him while alive and I still admire him today!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Art Communicates & Connects
Over the years, I have been accused of being a nice person many times .. many have detested me for being nice. I did not really understand so I just never really paid a lot of attention to it since I am normally a happy person UNTIL I became an elderly single woman that felt life-draining depressingly unloved & unwanted & worthless with zero reason to live AFTER someone online .. seemingly deliberately .. took advantage of my kindness, generosity & loving heart. I HEALED .. and the experience did have some beneficial health effects in my recovery from Dementia process - it was far cheaper than any Occupational Therapy would have been .. BUT .. I still need to work more on my boundaries!!! |
I do not know if it is possible for me to unlearn living in auto-TRUST mode.
I do not even know yet if I WANT to live in an auto-UNtrust mode.
Here are a few of the articles I read this morning
- Why Would People Dislike a Nice Person?
- 10 Things Nice People Do Differently That Make Them Achieve More
- The Dangers of Being Nice
- Sensory Overload Meltdown
- The Art of Autism: One of my favorite quotes is:“If you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism.” – Dr. Stephen Shore
I just replaced the computer monitor on my desktop .. the old one just quit working one day. I did not think to buy a touchscreen monitor even though I have been wanting one for years - I love the one on my slow ancient Win [7 upgraded now to] 10 laptop. I have a drawing tablet my family bought me for Christmas - simple & uncomplicated to use. |
My entire family have amazingly awesome physical art/drawing abilities that I do not :( But I am the one that WANTS & NEEDS to create art as a work career as well as a daily life need to communicate. Art communicates. Art touches people where they live. Art connects us to ourselves as well as to each other. My new touchscreen monitor arrives tomorrow :) |
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Lost & Found Path Directions
Earlier I told a friend on FB earlier that I had lost my digital painting directional path for awhile. BUT that I think I have rediscovered it now. Below is a link to one of my digital paintings from back in the early days of my art career.
The time line of my art career:
The time line of my art career:
- I started oil painting.
- I got involved in the Print On Demand [POD] movement [mostly graphic design art] and had some minor successes there
- while also working in the corporate world full time in various website, technical & art capacities
- and started working with watercolors and inks
- then the POD stuff came apart at the seams & left me reeling and disheartened
- then my Corporate art career ended for various reasons including bizarre health issues
- and I was wandering in a sea of confusion for several years.
- SOMEHOW along the way I managed to find a door back to the ordinary world .. more or less .. while still pursuing traditional art opportunities using paper & canvas and silk scarf dyeing.
- My brain cells that are left have rearranged themselves to suit themselves.
- 2020 - digital painting as well as traditional painting are STILL works in progress.
- but I have the storage space added at Fine Art America to put it online once I do :)
- I have this blog to post my new art as well as
- my Twitter &
- personal Facebook &
- MeWe accounts
- and not quite sure yet what I am going to do with my TWO personal domains
It will all work out .. I do not have to be in a hurry!!!
I do NOT think as fast as I used to do .. and Little Doggie shrieking aka barking makes thinking more difficult! But life is good!!!
I do NOT think as fast as I used to do .. and Little Doggie shrieking aka barking makes thinking more difficult! But life is good!!!
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Interesting Times
Gaia Tree - 1st Draft | This morning I finished a painting that I had started a few days earlier. I have been struggling with all this social isolation as well as the tsunami of political horrors I see happening in America daily while the Coronavirus also daily rages and ravages our Country and our people. Being at high risk means I am alone and have been ..mostly.. & social distanced .. for months now except for the Little Doggie. I miss daily in-person conversations & interactions with peoples who talk with and to me :) Being an extroverted introvert means I really miss ordinary daily human social contact like
Gaia Tree - Finished Painting
I have discovered that it can be VERY different having a male dog instead of a female dog.His territorial protector ownership of me instincts are in overdrive :( I wonder if that is because he was a rescue from the Shelter? He has terrible separation anxiety!
There is NO IGNORING when he shrieks .. for me or for the neighbors :(
I am trying to get a video of him shrieking
..but I have not managed to learn how to do that correctly YET
Friday, June 12, 2020
Opinions R Me & Little Doggie
Anyone who knows me knows I have an opinion on everything and I
am happy to share it .. even unasked for .. lol .. so it should not
surprise anyone to discover that my little doggie is also a VERY loud
and opinionated little critter too! He tho is MUCH cuter than I am so he gets forgiven for his opinions faster than I do :) I have this hanging on my door to remind me to be much more patient with him and with me :) When he needs grooming, he looks like a dustmop :) |
I have been doing a lot of coasting along since I got to North
Carolina the end of August 2019. First there was my serious vision issues which meant I had to have two cataract surgeries .. Thanksgiving & Christmas .. which then I had different vision issues .. amblyopia aka lazy eye complicated my healing afterwards .. lolol .. that was unexpected .. and then just as I was able to see and drive again .. CORONAVIRUS and Stay Home happened to me and the world. I have not gotten my new glasses after the surgery YET due to the Covid-19 virus risk .. it does NOT seem like a good idea for me to go a doctor office full of elderly people in varying stages of health from before, during or healing stages of eye surgeries. |
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