Thursday, February 6, 2025

My Today's Opposition to the Washington DC crazies

 This is what I sent to my US Senate Representatives this morning. The email on my House Rep is not working today.

"Your insane orange rump needs locked up in an insane hospital ward before someone uses nuclear weapons to stop his/your insanity.

IF we manage to survive being imprisoned in El Salvador or Gitmo .. and IF no one in the world blows us off the face of the Earth .. any voters left in the US probably will not be voting for insanity again.

I know you are tired of hearing me and believe me .. I am tired of writing to you. I EXPECT you personally and collectively as Congress ppl to DO SOMETHING about the out of control insane monster - he is tanking your political capitol too!!!"

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Todays Opposition / Resistance to American Authoritarianism

I posted this to my FB account ..


In my 70's .. my resistance and fight back .. so far .. has mostly been in writing email letters to my NC re-thugs in Congress.

This was NOT on my life bingo card .. tho I did see it coming once not enuf ppl voted against the orange rump. I used to think if our country was going to go down the toilet that there would be LOTS of gun violence between the good guys and the bad guys.

Turns out Biden's failure to send Seal Team 6 to kill orange rump was the first real step towards authoritarianism for America. He could have saved us by sending them.

Now ppl on Social Security will be dying out on the streets of America (or in American jails for speaking truth) for the wealthy shitheads to ethnic cleanse Gaza for orange rump to build condos in Gaza.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Treason is very SERIOUS Business!!! Hacking into the U.S. Treasury is Serious!!! Arrests NEED to Happen NOW!!!


Orange Rump, Musk & all his tech kids have committed TREASON against the United States & her ppl and should be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I emailed the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee Mr Crapo plus two other members: Senator Elizabeth Warren and one of my NC Representatives, Thom Tillis.

Musk & his kid team did NOT have security clearance nor LEGAL authorization to break in and to be mucking about in our US Treasury information, our Social Security and bank accounts plus who knows what else. Anyone else involved should also be held accountable.

They all need arrested ... NOW ... and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

My Today's Opposition to the Washington DC crazies

 This is what I sent to my US Senate Representatives this morning. The email on my House Rep is not working today. "Your insane orange ...