Tuesday, July 30, 2024

IS the 2024 Election Theft in Progress?

I had noticed how weird Trump was talking about NOT needing his supporters votes and how it has recently been even more pronounced than usual.

I think the Heritage Foundation thinks they have won since they are stacking loyalists in the election offices all over the USA.

I believe Rachel Maddow is correct. I think ALL Governors in EVERY STATE need to examine all the ppl in their election counting. I think we NEED The Carter Center to get involved!!!

Maddow points out frightening truth about Trump's lack of concern about votes

Rolling Stone: These Swing State Election Officials Are Pro-Trump Election Deniers

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy 4th of July

I am in my 70's .. I have celebrated MANY 4th of July celebrations over the year .. the Centennial was a HUGE one .. I enjoyed it a lot!!! As usual, I have a doggie who will be terrified of the fireworks no matter how far away they are. At least he is small enuf I can easily hold him to comfort him.

BUT ...... 

Is this our last 4th of July celebration? That answer resides in how the November 2024 Presidential Election turns out. I am an American. I have been an American my entire life. I have never traveled outside of America.

Have you read the Project 2025 file yourself? It sounds daunting at 900 or pages. Are you going to read it? I have NOT read it yet .. but I have read a lot about it. And yes, I am very much alarmed!!! I plan to start reading the document myself next week.

What is Project 2025 And Why Is It Alarming? - Democracy Docket

I was talking to someone earlier in the week. I mentioned how the majority of the Supreme Court had basically made Trump a King. I said I am voting for Joe Biden .. his response was: "I don't much like him either". My response was: "Biden is a good man at least tho .. he is not progressive enuf for me but he is a life long servant of the public good." And his answer was "Yes ma'am that's true"

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The American People NEED Bold & Decisive Action NOW

Today is the first time that I have ever written a letter to the President of the United States. But I have a responsibility as an American Citizen to get involved and DEMAND fraudulent activities by the Supreme Court be legally handled. Below is what I wrote. I encourage each and every citizen to write their own letter to the President demanding BOLD & DECISIVE ACTION to preserve OUR DEMOCRACY.


"Our Military needs to arrest [and put them on public trial] the so-called Conservative members of the Supreme Court as Enemies of the United States Constitution.

I believe it is illegal for any Judge to make up ...LIES... out of thin air .. to change our precious way of life.

IF ANYONE in America wants a King, they should move to Britain or somewhere else that has one.

IF ANYONE in America wants a Dictator should move to Russia - I am sure they can find a prison cell for them.

I am one of The American People. I do NOT want a King nor do I want a Dictator! I firmly believe in the Rule of Law and NO MAN or woman being above the Law!!! THUS, please send the Military to arrest those evil creatures pretending to be Supreme Court Justices - THEY ARE NOT ABOVE THE LAW EITHER!!!"

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


When Trump was campaigning and won the Electoral College while losing the popular vote to Hilary Clinton, I was shocked that anyone let alone people that I had formerly admired and considered intelligent ppl would vote for such an unqualified buffoon/predator. One in particular .. a New Yorker, announced one day for all us non-Trump ppl to get off her Facebook Lawn and never come back. I unfriended her and mourned that anyone would willingly join a Cult. Yes I recognized Trump & his menace for exactly what it was, even back then. Before you ask, yes I had voted for Hilary Clinton.

The Trump Presidency was a daily nightmarish unhinged lunatic media blitz filled with hate and meanness and mismanagement of a deadly disease that became a nitemare for all sensible ordinary Americans who expected our U.S. Government to function as intended and accomplish normal ordinary daily GOVERNING let alone to lead with honor and dignity during a health crisis.

I do NOT ever want any of us to go through a nitemare like that again. I prayed every day that Trump would keel over dead. Obviously God is NOT going to save us from what has now fully morphed into a Devil aka Trump Worshiping Cult.

Yes I do have family members caught up in that Cult. I love them more than I can ever put into words .. but I have no expectation of ever trusting them or their judgement again. They have chosen living with a poisonous snake and have to either extricate themselves from it's lair or live in Hell with their choices. I pray for them .. but I have no expectation of prayer working to save them either.

God gave us the ability to make choices .. GOOD OR EVIL. I will proudly vote AGAIN for President Biden. No he is not perfect but he cares for all of us plus he is a good man who has accomplished a LOT of good for our Country and our people over the years of his Government Service.

This time .. I am not praying .. I am CHANTING:


I invite y'all to chant with me - let's manifest miracles!!!

Friday, May 31, 2024

U.S. Justice System Worked as Intended: Trump is now a Convicted Felon

 No one is above the Law .. not me .. not you .. not Former President Donald J Trump.

OUR U.S. Justice System worked as intended throughout the trial!!!

A New York Jury heard the evidence. {Trump is a New Yorker.} The Jury paid close attention to all of it each and every day for SIX WEEKS. After Closing Arguments and Jury Instructions, they began deliberations, then asked to hear again some of the testimony/evidence and also part of the Judge's Jury Instructions about the law. Then they deliberated some more and finally came to a decision/verdict .. BASED ON THE LAW AND THE EVIDENCE.

No our Justice System is NOT perfect .. no one in the world has a perfect one .. BUT .. ours starts with Innocent UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT decided by a JURY of our PEERS. The burden of proof is on the Prosecution.

1. The NY Judge was far beyond fair & reasonable to Trump for all his disgusting rhetoric that violated the Gag Order. ANYONE ELSE would have been put in jail for all those flagrant gag order violations.

2. The Cult Republican Sheeps .. in Congress and in EACH U.S State .. as well as FAUX-NEWS who are trashing our U.S. Justice System are despicable lying criminals themselves. Like their Cult Leader Trump .. they are liars and frauds who will stoop to any level to keep or regain political power.

Do any of them care of what is best for YOU, YOUR COMMUNITY or OUR COUNTRY?

If ..YOU.. think they do .. this Born & Raised in Iowa U.S.A. Citizen has some Ocean Front Property in Iowa to sell you for a reasonable million $$$ price aka Cash in Advance for your very own Iowa Ocean Front Property Deed!

IS the 2024 Election Theft in Progress?

I had noticed how weird Trump was talking about NOT needing his supporters votes and how it has recently been even more pronounced than usua...